Our exclusive offer

Our 3-stage solution concept to gain a foothold in the target market

  • Market Intelligence Channel
    Market Intelligence Channel



    Know today what's coming tomorrow

    • Through unique communication channels we will provide regular updates subjected to critical evaluations based on unique market insights
    • Product and customer related information gathered via market testing 
  • Strategy & Market Consulting
    Strategy & Market Consulting

    Detail-oriented thematic support on market integration

    • Creation of detail-oriented concepts for market entry and investment initiatives
    • Business optimisation and outsourcing
    • Location, sales and supplier development
  • Controlling & Business Projects
    Controlling & Business Projects

    Market testing and conducting business projects  

    • We execute market testing first.
    • After project start we set up 2-level project controlling, and
    • promote market environment analysis in parallel

Get in touch with us


Our values

  • Comprehensive but Focused Perspective

    We search, build and optimize your connection to the market

  • Identity and Individuality

    There is a target market for every product. Our concern is that we find your specific “match” and enable win-win cooperation

  • Trust and Discretion

    As your business development partner, we put an emphasis on trusting business

In which countries do you see challenges and prospects for your company?

We would like to hear what you think and share our thoughts with you.